108 research outputs found

    Stokes−Einstein−Debye failure in molecular orientational diffusion: exception or rule?

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    The Stokes–Einstein–Debye (SED) expression is used routinely to relate orientational molecular diffusivity quantitatively to viscosity. However, it is well-known that Einstein’s equations are derived from hydrodynamic theory for the diffusion of a Brownian particle in a homogeneous fluid and examples of SED breakdown and failure for molecular diffusion are not unusual. Here, using optical Kerr-effect spectroscopy to measure orientational diffusion for solutions of guanidine hydrochloride in water and mixtures of carbon disulfide with hexadecane, we show that these two contrasting systems each show pronounced exception to the SED relation and ask if it is reasonable to expect molecular diffusion to be a simple function of viscosity

    The mayonnaise effect

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    Structuring caused by the mixing of liquids or the addition of solutes to a solvent causes the viscosity to increase. The classical example is mayonnaise: a mixture of two low-viscosity liquids, water and oil, is structured through the addition of a surfactant creating a dispersed phase, causing the viscosity to increase a thousand-fold. The dramatic increase in viscosity in highly concentrated solutions is a long-standing unsolved problem in physical chemistry. Here we will show that this viscosity increase can be understood in terms of the solute-induced structuring of the first solvation shell, leading to a jamming transition at a critical concentration. As the jamming transition is approached, the viscosity naturally increases according to a Vogel–Fulcher–Tammann type expression. This result calls into question the validity of the Jones–Dole B-coefficient as an indicator of the structure making or breaking ability of solutes

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    Control Over Phase Separation and Nucleation Using a Optical-Tweezing Potential

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    Control over the nucleation of new phases is highly desirable but elusive. Even though there is a long history of crystallization engineering by varying physicochemical parameters, controlling which polymorph crystallizes or whether a molecule crystallizes or forms an amorphous precipitate is still a black art. Although there are now numerous examples of control using laser-induced nucleation, a physical understanding is absent and preventing progress. We will show that concentration fluctuations in the neighborhood of a liquid-liquid critical point can be harnessed by an optical-tweezing potential to induce concentration gradients. A simple theoretical model shows that the stored electromagnetic energy of the laser beam produces a free-energy potential that forces phase separation or triggers the nucleation of a new phase. Experiments in liquid mixtures using a low-power laser diode confirm the effect. Phase separation and nucleation through an optical-tweezing potential explains the physics behind non-photochemical laser-induced nucleation and suggests new ways of manipulating matter

    Frustration vs prenucleation: understanding the surprising stability of supersaturated sodium thiosulfate solutions

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    Gibbs classical nucleation theory predicts that a supersaturated solution will have transient nuclei that flitter in and out of existence. Only when one of these nuclei becomes larger than a critical size, will the solution crystalize. Recently, nonclassical nucleation theories have invoked the presence of prenuclei possibly associated with a liquid–liquid phase separation. However, there are few experimental observations of such prenuclei. Here, we use ultrafast optical Kerr-effect spectroscopy to measure the temperature-dependent low-frequency (sub-gigahertz to terahertz) anisotropic Raman spectra of supersaturated aqueous sodium thiosulfate solutions. Clear evidence of clusters is obtained in the spectra. However, on the basis of the inferred stability of these clusters, it appears that they frustrate rather than promote the formation of crystals. This would explain the surprising stability of supersaturated sodium thiosulfate and similar solutions

    Crystal templating through liquid–liquid phase separation

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    Controlled induction of crystal nucleation is a highly desirable but elusive goal. Attempts to speed up crystallization, such as high super saturation or working near a liquid–liquid critical point, always led to irregular and uncontrollable crystal growth. Here, we show that under highly nonequilibrium conditions of spinodal decomposition, water crystals grow as thin wires in a template-less formation of “Haareis”. This suggests that such nonequilibrium conditions may be employed more widely as mechanisms for crystal growth control

    Spectrum of slow and super-slow (picosecond to nanosecond) water dynamics around organic and biological solutes

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    Water dynamics in the solvation shell of solutes plays a very important role in the interaction of biomolecules and in chemical reaction dynamics. However, a selective spectroscopic study of the solvation shell is difficult because of the interference of the solute dynamics. Here we report on the observation of heavily slowed down water dynamics in the solvation shell of different solutes by measuring the low-frequency spectrum of solvation water, free from the contribution of the solute. A slowdown factor of ~50 is observed even for relatively low concentrations of the solute. We go on to show that the effect can be generalized to different solutes including proteins

    Structural relaxation in the hydrogen-bonding liquids N-methylacetamide and water studied by optical Kerr-effect spectroscopy

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    Structural relaxation in the peptide model N-methylacetamide (NMA) is studied experimentally by ultrafast optical Kerr-effect spectroscopy over the normal-liquid temperature range and compared to the relaxation measured in water at room temperature. It is seen that in both hydrogen-bonding liquids, beta relaxation is present and in each case it is found that this can be described by the Cole-Cole function. For NMA in this temperature range, the alpha and beta relaxations are each found to have an Arrhenius temperature dependence with indistinguishable activation energies. It is known that the variations on the Debye function, including the Cole-Cole function, are unphysical, and we introduce two general modifications: one allows for the initial rise of the function, determined by the librational frequencies, and the second allows the function to be terminated in the alpha relaxation

    Dielectric relaxation of the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethyl sulfate: microwave and far-IR properties

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    Dielectric relaxation of the ionic liquid, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethyl sulfate (EMI+ETS–), is studied using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The collective dynamics of polarization arising from cations and anions are examined. Characteristics of the rovibrational and translational components of polarization dynamics are analyzed to understand their respective roles in the microwave and terahertz regions of dielectric relaxation. The MD results are compared with the experimental low-frequency spectrum of EMI+ETS–, obtained via ultrafast optical Kerr effect (OKE) measurements

    Frustration of crystallisation by a liquid–crystal phase

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    Frustration of crystallisation by locally favoured structures is critically important in linking the phenomena of supercooling, glass formation, and liquid-liquid transitions. Here we show that the putative liquid-liquid transition in n-butanol is in fact caused by geometric frustration associated with an isotropic to rippled lamellar liquid-crystal transition. Liquid-crystal phases are generally regarded as being “in between” the liquid and the crystalline state. In contrast, the liquid-crystal phase in supercooled n-butanol is found to inhibit transformation to the crystal. The observed frustrated phase is a template for similar ordering in other liquids and likely to play an important role in supercooling and liquid-liquid transitions in many other molecular liquids
